Choosing the optimal trajectory inference methoddynguidelines |
Provide answers to various questions |
Dynguidelines packages |
Produces the code necessary to reproduce a particular set of guidelines |
Load in the questions |
Get all renderers |
Select the top methods, optionally based on a given dataset |
Check whether object is guidelines |
Labelling |
Metadata on the different TI methods |
The shiny server |
Shiny user interface |
Running trajectory inference methodsdynmethods |
Wrappers for trajectory inference methods |
Metadata on the different TI methods |
Inferring a trajectory inference using Angle |
Inferring a trajectory inference using CALISTA |
Inferring a trajectory inference using CellRouter |
Inferring a trajectory inference using CellTrails |
Inferring a trajectory inference using cellTree with gibbs |
Inferring a trajectory inference using cellTree with maptpx |
Inferring a trajectory inference using cellTree with vem |
Inferring trajectories with Component 1 |
Inferring a trajectory inference using DPT |
Inferring a trajectory inference using ElPiGraph cycle |
Inferring a trajectory inference using ElPiGraph |
Inferring a trajectory inference using ElPiGraph linear |
Inferring a trajectory inference using Embeddr |
Inferring trajectories with Control: error |
Inferring a trajectory inference using FateID |
Inferring a trajectory inference using FORKS |
Inferring a trajectory inference using GPfates |
Inferring a trajectory inference using GrandPrix |
Inferring trajectories with Control: identity |
Inferring a trajectory inference using MATCHER |
Inferring a trajectory inference using MERLoT |
Inferring a trajectory inference using mfa |
Inferring a trajectory inference using Monocle DDRTree |
Inferring a trajectory inference using Monocle ICA |
Inferring a trajectory inference using Mpath |
Inferring a trajectory inference using ouija |
Inferring a trajectory inference using ouijaflow |
Inferring a trajectory inference using PAGA |
Inferring a trajectory inference using pCreode |
Inferring a trajectory inference using Periodic PrinCurve |
Inferring a trajectory inference using PhenoPath |
Inferring a trajectory inference using Projected DPT |
Inferring a trajectory inference using Projected GNG |
Inferring a trajectory inference using Projected Monocle |
Inferring a trajectory inference using Projected PAGA |
Inferring a trajectory inference using Projected Slingshot |
Inferring a trajectory inference using Projected TSCAN |
Inferring a trajectory inference using pseudogp |
Inferring a trajectory inference using RaceID / StemID |
Inferring trajectories with Control: random |
Inferring a trajectory inference using reCAT |
Inferring a trajectory inference using SCIMITAR |
Inferring a trajectory inference using SCORPIUS |
Inferring a trajectory inference using SCOUP |
Inferring a trajectory inference using SCUBA |
Inferring trajectories with Control: shuffle |
Inferring a trajectory inference using Sincell |
Inferring a trajectory inference using SLICE |
Inferring a trajectory inference using SLICER |
Inferring a trajectory inference using Slingshot |
Inferring a trajectory inference using STEMNET |
Inferring a trajectory inference using topslam |
Inferring a trajectory inference using TSCAN |
Inferring a trajectory inference using URD |
Inferring a trajectory inference using Wanderlust |
Inferring a trajectory inference using Waterfall |
Inferring a trajectory inference using Wishbone |
Toolbox to transform trajectory modelsdynwrap |
Define a trajectory model given its branch network and the pseudotime of the cells on one of the branches |
Constructs a trajectory using a graph between cells, by mapping cells onto a set of backbone cells. |
Add cell waypoints to a wrapped object with trajectory |
Constructs a trajectory using a cell grouping and a network between groups. Will use an existing grouping if it is present in the model. |
Constructs a circular trajectory using the pseudotime values of each cell. |
Add or create a dimensionality reduction |
Constructs a trajectory by projecting cells within a dimensionality reduction onto a backbone formed by a milestone network. Optionally, a cell grouping can be given which will restrict the edges on which a cell can be projected. |
Multifurcating trajectory with end state probabilities |
Add count and normalised expression values to a model |
Add a cell grouping to a data wrapper |
Constructs a linear trajectory using the pseudotime values of each cell. |
Add prior information to a data wrapper |
Add or calculate pseudotime as distance from the root |
Root the trajectory |
Add root cell to wrapper using expression of features |
Helper function for storing timings information. |
Add count and normalised expression values to a model |
Define a trajectory model given its milestone network and milestone percentages or progressions |
Add or create waypoints to a trajectory |
All allowed inputs |
All allowed outputs |
Calculate mean values per cell group |
Calculate mean values by milestone percentages |
Classify a milestone network |
Calculate geodesic distances between cells in a trajectory, taking into account tents |
Convert milestone percentages to progressions |
Convert progressions to milestone percentages |
Creating a TI method from a docker repository |
Create a TI method from a docker image |
Create a TI method from a singularity image |
Create a TI method wrapper |
Determine the positions of all cells in the trajectory |
Perform dimensionality reduction on a trajectory and the respective samples in order to plot it |
This R package contains the code for a common model of single-cell trajectories. |
Internal method for executing a method |
Run a method on a dataset with a set of parameters |
"Gather" cells to their closest milestones |
Extract the prior information from the milestone network |
Group cells to their highest milestone |
Get the default parameters of a method |
Return all TI ti_methods |
Grouping the cells onto the closest milestones |
Grouping the cells onto their edges |
Infer trajectories |
Test whether an object is a data_wrapper |
Tests whether an object is a trajectory created by a TI method. |
Tests whether an object is a TI method description |
Test whether an object is a dataset and contains prior information |
Test whether an object is a model and has timings information |
Test whether an object is a model and has a trajectory |
Test whether an object is a data_wrapper and cell waypoints |
Test whether an trajectory is a data_wrapper and waypoints |
Label milestones either manually ( |
Parse a parameter definition |
Metadata on prior usages |
Metadata on priors |
Select the waypoint cells |
Select the waypoints |
Simplify an igraph network such that consecutive linear edges are removed |
Simplify a trajectory |
Convert directed trajectory type to simplified versions |
Tests whether docker is correctly installed and available |
Inferring trajectories with Component 1 |
Inferring trajectories with Control: error |
Inferring trajectories with Control: identity |
Inferring trajectories with Control: random |
Inferring trajectories with Control: shuffle |
A DAG of trajectory types |
Metadata on the trajectory types |
Metadata on simplified trajectory types |
A data wrapper for datasets and trajectories |
Create a wrapper object with expression and counts |
Wrap the output of a TI method |
An abstract data wrapper for TI predictions |
Visualising trajectoriesdynplot |
Add coloring |
Color cells using a background density |
Add milestone coloring |
Plot all the trajectories |
Create an empty plot for spacing |
Get the names of valid color palettes |
Linearise a trajectory |
Wrapper for various palettes |
Plot a tree trajectory as a dendrogram |
Plot the trajectory on dimensionality reduction |
Plotting edge flips |
Plotting a set of features in a line plot |
Plot a dimensionality reduced trajectory as a 2D graph |
Plot the traj as a heatmap |
Plot strip onedim |
Plot onedim |
Plot strip |
Plotting the topology of a trajectory |
Default theme for TI plots |
Project the waypoints |
We like our plots clean |
We like our plots clean |
Extracting relevant features from a trajectorylibraries/dynfeature |
Calculating feature importances across trajectories |
Dynfeature feature importance |