Infer trajectories

infer_trajectories(dataset, method, parameters = NULL,
  give_priors = NULL, mc_cores = 1, verbose = FALSE,
  capture_output = FALSE)

infer_trajectory(dataset, method, parameters = list(),
  give_priors = NULL, mc_cores = 1, verbose = FALSE, ...)



One or more datasets, as created using dynwrap


One or more methods. Must be one of:

  • an object or list of ti_... objects (eg. ti_comp1())

  • a character vector containing the names of methods to execute (e.g. "scorpius"), or

  • a dynguidelines data frame.


A set of parameters to be used during trajectory inference. A parameter set must be a named list of parameters. If multiple methods were provided in the method parameter, parameters must be an unnamed list of the same length.


All the priors a method is allowed to receive. Must be a subset of all available priors (priors).


The number of cores to use, allowing to parallellise the different datasets


Whether or not to print information output


Whether to capture the stdout and stderr produced by a method


Any additional parameters given to the method, will be concatednated to the parameters argument