Visualising the trajectory


The main functions for plotting a trajectory are included in the dynplot package.

We’ll use an example toy dataset

dataset <- dyntoy::generate_dataset(model = "bifurcating", num_cells = 200)

To visualise a trajectory, you have to take into acount two things:

  • Where will I place the trajectory and cells in my 2D space
  • What do I want to visualise along the trajectory based on color

Depending on the answer on these two questions, you will need different visualisations:

Visualising the trajectory on a dimensionality reduction

The most common way to visualise a trajectory is to plot it on a dimensionality reduction of the cells. Often (but not always), a TI method will already output a dimensionality reduction itself, which was used to construct the trajectory. For example:

model <- infer_trajectory(dataset, ti_mst())
## Loading required namespace: hdf5r
head(get_dimred(model), 5)
##        comp_1      comp_2
## C1 -16.665552  -2.0932842
## C2  -6.100642  -5.8776537
## C3 -13.504351  -8.2116550
## C4 -15.828066   0.9743139
## C5   7.454530 -11.1981456

Dynplot will use this dimensionality reduction if available, otherwise it will calculate a dimensionality reduction under the hood:

## Coloring by milestone
## Using milestone_percentages from trajectory

You can also supply it with your own dimensionality reduction. In this case, the trajectory will be projected onto this dimensionality reduction.

dimred <- dyndimred::dimred_umap(dataset$expression)
plot_dimred(model, dimred = dimred)
## Coloring by milestone
## Using milestone_percentages from trajectory

On this plot, you can color the cells according to

  1. Cell ordering. In which every milestone gets a color and the color changes gradually between the milestones. This is the default.
  2. Cell grouping. A character vector mapping a cell to a group. In this example, we group the cells to their nearest milestone, but typically you will want to supply some external clustering here.
  3. Feature expression. In which case you need to supply the expression_source which is usually the original dataset, but can be in any format accepted by dynwrap::get_expression().
  4. Pseudotime. The distance to a particular root milestone. The adapting guide discusses how to change the root of a trajectory.
  plot_dimred(model) + ggtitle("Cell ordering"),
  plot_dimred(model, grouping = group_onto_nearest_milestones(model)) + ggtitle("Cell grouping"),
  plot_dimred(model, feature_oi = "G1", expression_source = dataset) + ggtitle("Feature expression"),
  plot_dimred(model, "pseudotime", pseudotime = calculate_pseudotime(model)) + ggtitle("Pseudotime")
## Coloring by milestone
## Using milestone_percentages from trajectory
## Coloring by grouping
## Coloring by expression
## root cell or milestone not provided, trying first outgoing milestone_id
## Using 'M1' as root

The result is just a regular ggplot2 object, so you can change and adapt it further:

plot_dimred(model) + 
  ggtitle("Cells are amazing") + 
  annotate("label", x = model$dimred[1, 1], y = model$dimred[1, 2], label = "Amazing cells") +
  annotate("label", x = model$dimred[2, 1], y = model$dimred[2, 2], label = "Also amazing cells")
## Coloring by milestone
## Using milestone_percentages from trajectory

Plotting of RNA velocity on top of a trajectory would be very very useful, but is not yet included. See the issue on github:

Plotting the trajectory itself

If the dataset is too complex to be visualised using a 2D dimensionality reduction, it can be useful to visualise the trajectory itself. We provide 3 ways to do this:

Plotting in a dendrogram

When the trajectory has a tree structure and a clear direction, it is often the most intuitive to visualise it as a dendrogram:

## root cell or milestone not provided, trying first outgoing milestone_id
## Using 'M1' as root
## Coloring by milestone
## Using milestone_percentages from trajectory

This visualisation hinges on the correct location of a root, which will be further discussed in the adapting guide.

Here you can again color the cells in different ways similar as plot_dimred, i.e.:

plot_dendro(model, "pseudotime")
## root cell or milestone not provided, trying first outgoing milestone_id
## Using 'M1' as root
## Pseudotime not provided, will calculate pseudotime from root milestone

Plotting as a graph

For more complex topologies, which include cycles or disconnected pieces, the trajectory can be visualised as a 2D graph structure.

disconnected_dataset <- dyntoy::generate_trajectory(model = "disconnected", num_cells = 300)
## Coloring by milestone
## Using milestone_percentages from trajectory

Plotting in one dimension

Sometimes it can be useful to visualise the trajectory in one dimension, so that you can use the other dimension for something else:

## root cell or milestone not provided, trying first outgoing milestone_id
## Using 'M1' as root
## Coloring by milestone
## Using milestone_percentages from trajectory

Visualising many genes along a trajectory

Heatmap plotting is currently still experimental.

A one-dimensional visualisation is especially useful if you combine it with a heatmap:

plot_heatmap(model, expression_source = dataset)
## No features of interest provided, selecting the top 20 features automatically
## Using dynfeature for selecting the top 20 features
## root cell or milestone not provided, trying first outgoing milestone_id
## Using 'M1' as root
## Coloring by milestone

Selecting relevant features for this heatmap is discussed in a later guide, but suffice it to say that plot_heatmap() by default will plot those features that best explain the main differences over the whole trajectory.