Constructs a trajectory by projecting cells within a dimensionality reduction onto a backbone formed by a milestone network. Optionally, a cell grouping can be given which will restrict the edges on which a cell can be projected.

This function will generate the milestone_network and progressions.

add_dimred_projection(dataset, milestone_ids = NULL, milestone_network,
  dimred, dimred_milestones, grouping = NULL, ...)



A dataset created by wrap_data() or wrap_expression()


The ids of the milestones in the trajectory. Type: Character vector.


The network of the milestones. Type: Data frame(from = character, to = character, length = numeric, directed = logical).


The dimensionality reduction matrix (with cell_ids as rownames) or function which will run the dimensionality reduction


An optional dimensionality reduction of the milestones.


A grouping of the cells, can be a named vector or a dataframe with group_id (character) and cell_id (character)


extra information to be stored in the wrapper.


The trajectory


library(tibble) dataset <- wrap_data(cell_ids = letters) milestone_network <- tibble::tibble( from = c("A", "B", "B"), to = c("B", "C", "D"), directed = TRUE, length = 1 ) milestone_network
#> # A tibble: 3 x 4 #> from to directed length #> <chr> <chr> <lgl> <dbl> #> 1 A B TRUE 1 #> 2 B C TRUE 1 #> 3 B D TRUE 1
dimred <- matrix( runif(length(dataset$cell_ids) * 2), ncol = 2, dimnames = list(dataset$cell_ids, c("comp_1", "comp_2")) ) dimred
#> comp_1 comp_2 #> a 0.518923245 0.42044692 #> b 0.713531887 0.99517996 #> c 0.996785344 0.21668160 #> d 0.773217170 0.61393193 #> e 0.895180710 0.83893684 #> f 0.281728024 0.87118008 #> g 0.139223843 0.70638636 #> h 0.046410585 0.23338931 #> i 0.794306935 0.57336944 #> j 0.818950567 0.22262171 #> k 0.417419555 0.13321490 #> l 0.747896066 0.08980882 #> m 0.057266013 0.28946283 #> n 0.468984942 0.74871216 #> o 0.746089673 0.66533637 #> p 0.278019339 0.76867310 #> q 0.619681378 0.01043518 #> r 0.735949405 0.30812903 #> s 0.052957582 0.77245419 #> t 0.725099872 0.02302861 #> u 0.275327800 0.04770981 #> v 0.585088401 0.03544533 #> w 0.000633863 0.63871647 #> x 0.962298031 0.29273069 #> y 0.484792338 0.34948312 #> z 0.218368359 0.10571620
dimred_milestones <- matrix( runif(2*4), ncol = 2, dimnames = list(c("A", "B", "C", "D"), c("comp_1", "comp_2")) ) dimred_milestones
#> comp_1 comp_2 #> A 0.1502137 0.2729913 #> B 0.6010157 0.1193362 #> C 0.6299863 0.6635635 #> D 0.1103404 0.4535189
trajectory <- add_dimred_projection( dataset, milestone_network = milestone_network, dimred = dimred, dimred_milestones = dimred_milestones ) # for plotting the result, install dynplot dynplot::plot_graph(trajectory)
#> Coloring by milestone
#> Using milestone_percentages from trajectory